TAGnology RFID GmbH
in Voitsberg, Österreich

TAGnology d.o.o.
in Brezje, Kroatien

Center for Technology and Innovation
The Austrian Institute of Innovation (AIOI) was founded in 2021 with the clear goal of becoming Europe's number 1 center of excellence for identification, localization and smart wireless charging as an enabler for Industry 4.0 solutions.

Always well supplied
In our multiple shops for RFID, NFC, RTLS and Wireless Charging 2.0 as well as our outlet, you can purchase your components with accessories as well as complete systems and software from leading manufacturers and from in-house production conveniently and quickly at the click of a mouse.

Our software competence forum
TAGpilot GmbH is the software competence center of the TAGnology Group. Our software platform TAGpilot stands for AUTO-ID total solutions, Big Data, Smart Factory Bus and a modular Industry 4.0 platform that connects everything and keeps track of everything. Smart integration platforms not only connect similar systems with each other, but are also open for different products from different manufacturers.
Foundation of TAGnology RFID Ltd.
Founded privately (without investors) in the Austrian Telepark in Bärnbach, near Graz. International partnerships with RFID chip and component manufacturers and industry specialists are established.
Success with customer specific RFID solutions
Long-term projects in the automotive production and pharmaceutical industries are implemented. TAGnology becomes a member of the AC Styria Cluster and acts for the first time as distributor and channel partner for HID Global (including ACG, Sokymat, Vision Card and Omnikey).
Additional employees are hired. Partnerships with industry-oriented specialists and a cooperation with the Graz University of Technology are established.
Opening of the RFID Center
Prototypes and individual solutions are produced on an area of more than 400 m². A partnership with the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Kärnten is established.
Foundation of GmbH, opening of online shop
TAGnology RFID Ltd. is transformed into RFID GmbH. Expansion of the company to include the distribution department. The in-house online shop nfcwebshop.at goes online. TAGnology is certified for the first time by SIEMENS as Solution Partner and awarded the prize "Best Young Entrepreneur".
Extension by a seminar center
Under the name ID[K]NOW, technical lectures and information events on the topic of RFID are held from now on. TAGnology is certified as a partner of Symbol Motorola for the first time and again wins the award "Best Young Entrepreneur".
Expansion and new certifications
The technical infrastructure is expanded and new employees are hired. TAgnology is certified by EECC European EPC Competence Center, becomes member of human.technologie.styria.cluster and Materials Cluster Styria GmbH.
TAGnology receives the award: "Innovation Award 2010" of the Styrian Business Association.
Company expansion
TAGnology Systems GmbH is founded in Germany, the Croatian development center "SINTEC" is incorporated into TAGnology d.o.o. TAGnology receives the "Industry Award 2011" as category winner in "Best Solution for Intralogistics and Production Management".
Acquisition of the software company Silverstroke
As part of an asset deal from NTT Data, Silverstroke is incorporated into the "TAGpilot" software platform.
Foundation TAGnology ME FZC, acquisition ZOMOFI
A site in the United Emirates is established. The active RFID product group ZOMOFI of ALBIS Switzerland is acquired.
Foundation of TAGpilot GmbH in Voitsberg
TAGpilot GmbH is put into operation. At the same time, the RFID Center goes online, feasibility studies can now be followed in the livestream.
TAGnology Systems GmbH settles
The HOLM (House of Logistics and Mobility) in Frankfurt's Gateway Gardens neighborhood is occupied.
System certification in the USA, standard systems
TAGnology carries out a system certification for a major customer for the first time internationally in the US. Development, patenting and production of the standard systems ARROW GATE® and Read Point.
TAGnology Systems GmbH relocates
Relocation of the site to Hanover.
Label Division
In partnership with Logistics ID Label, TAGnology establishes the Label Division, a department for the production and distribution of labels with and without RFID technology.
Headquarters move, new webshop, AIOI
An eventful year: After the successful release of a new online store (Wireless Charging 2.0) and the partnership with the Austrian Institute of Innovation (AIOI), TAGnology ceremoniously opened its new location at Grillparzerstrasse 2 in Voitsberg. The hard work paid off with the nomination for the Best Of Industry Award 2021.
Expansion of webshops, TAGnology d.o.o. relocates
Our webshops are growing: In addition to the online shop for Wireless Charging 2.0, the RFID-Webshop and RTLS-Webshop are now also online. Our Croatian colleagues from TAGnology d.o.o. can now be found in Brezje 67c, 40311, Lopatinec after a successful move.